Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.②不忘初心,方得始终
Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.③登高望远,居安思危
Aim high and look far, be alert to dangers even in times of calm.④全面从严治党
Seeing Party self-governance exercised fully and with rigor.⑤坚持反腐败无禁区、全覆盖、零容忍
No place has been out of bounds, no ground left unturned, and no tolerance shown in the fight against corruption.⑥坚定不移“打虎”“拍蝇”“猎狐”
We have taken firm action to “take out tigers”, “swat flies” and “hunt down foxes”.⑦不想腐的堤坝正在构筑
Moral defenses against corruption are in the making.⑧行百里者半九十
The last leg of a journey marks the halfway point.⑨大道之行,天下为公
We should pursue a just cause for common good.⑩打铁还需自身硬
It takes a good blacksmith to make steel.